C3I joins MCH – Mediterranean Common House network/Establishing new Partnership with IASEM
During the 9th Regional Euro Atlantic – REACT Camp 2016 (5th to 10th of September 2016, Montenegro) the President of C3I participated within the panel dedicated to “Different aspects of NATO membership”. Furthermore, as a result of the initiative of IASEM, Italy , on tremendous mutual satisfaction, the Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Ljubica Pendaroska, President of Cyber Security, Corporate Security and Crisis Management Initiative – C3I and Giuseppe Papaleo, the President of Institute of High Euro Mediterranean Studies – IASEM, accompanied by the Scientific Coordinator of IASEM, Pierpaolo Grezzi. Thus, C3I joined “MCH Mediterranean Common House” network.
In the framework of the 9th Regional Euro Atlantic – REACT Camp 2016 (5th to 10th of September 2016, Ivanova Korita, Cetinje, Montenegro), organized by ALPHA Centre Niksic, C3I participated within the panel “Different dimensions of NATO membership”. The event was an open stage for development of ideas and proposals for future cooperation with other organizations, initiatives and institutions from the region and beyond (Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Greece, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Spain).

As a result of the initiative of IASEM – Institute of High Euro Mediterranean Studies, Italy, on tremendous mutual satisfaction, the Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Ljubica Pendaroska, President of Cyber Security, Corporate Security and Crisis Management Initiative – C3I and Giuseppe Papaleo, the President of Institute of High Euro Mediterranean Studies – IASEM, accompanied by the Scientific Coordinator of IASEM, Pierpaolo Grezzi.

With the MoU, C3I joined “MCH Mediterranean Common House” network, a Network of Cultural Centres, Institutions, Think Tank, Foundations, Private Companies, Universities, Research Centers, Associations, with the main aim to promote concrete spaces for dialogue and reflection throughout the Mediterranean, with the goal of stimulating a common sensibility to establish a climate of peace, respect and mutual understanding, fruitful exchanges, stability in relations and mutual cooperation. Our Organization has recognized the high human dimension and values, which are major commitment of the network, established with the “Mediterranean Common House Charter” and the “Manifesto of Mediterranean Civilization”. While believing in the same core values, C3I supports the idea with great enthusiasms, and will wholeheartedly contribute to further expansion of established values and their implementation in the everyday life.